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The First Nations Union serves a diverse range of Indigenous communities across the Western Hemisphere. However, our primary focus is on the following communities:


1). Tribalized Indigenous Peoples of the Western Hemisphere, who are officially enrolled members of any tribe, band, or group of "Native Americans" anywhere in the Western Hemisphere.


2). Detribalized Indigenous Peoples of the Western Hemisphere, who are descendants of any tribe, band, or group of "Native Americans" anywhere in the Western Hemisphere but cannot enroll due to not meeting certain requirements or due to that group not being organized into a tribal government.


3). Occupied Indigenous Peoples Not of the Western Hemisphere, who are Indigenous people from a nation that is occupied militarily, politically, or diplomatically by a western hemisphere colonial nation.


4). Freedmen, who are descendants of Africans who were enslaved by "Native American" tribes.


We believe that all Indigenous peoples have the inherent right to determine their own futures and live free from the oppression of colonialism. If you come from one of these communities, please feel free to apply for Membership or Volunteer opportunities.

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